Have you ever just felt like you just don't fit in???
I would say I have been different the whole of my little life.
Question is why do we feel the need to fit in anyway???
At 46 year old, I feel the need to be honest and true
to myself. I feel that as illustrators and artist, before we ask
other people's opinions of our work, we need to have our
own opinion. Trying to please everyone and trying to fit in their box
makes me tried and zaps me of all my creative energy.
Sometimes being the strange birdy is what takes you to the next level.
I'm just saying...
Have a wonderful week everyone!!
I totally agree with you! I'm glad there other people out there who think alike! Love the picture and the thoughts behind it!
Ha, maybe you can make a kind of logo out of it with a catchy slogan! ;-)
OH Leen, what a fabulous idea! I love it! I'm gonna take you up on your very good advice he he he he! Thanks so much.
cute, love the patterns
A wonderful thought with a beautiful illo!
That is a wonderful message...I needed to hear that!
...and I've seen pictures of you and I would have guessed 10 to 15 years younger...you look great!
I agree and I like the way you put it. I am a strange bird too. Wonderful illustration.
Vanessa, I suspect you are a leader, not just a fitter-in. And you always work hard to make others feel welcome and accepted and as if they fit in! So thank you for that, and I love the bird.
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