I remember her smile and
butter brown skin.
I remember the swishing sound of her
silk slips and girdles as she walked to the kitchen.
I remember her pink handbag and matching shoes.
I remember her Diva like attitude.
I remember spankings and long talk
about being a girl.
I remember Bible lessons and singing.
I remember candy sweets and cornbread dressing.
I remember a house so clean you could
eat off the floor.
I remember you iron fist in a velvet glove
I remember your awesome love.
I remember all this and more. I remember all this and more.
Happy Belated Mother's Day
Ohhhhh Vanessa, this is so sweet.
This is very sweet poem Vanessa! My mother passed away to when I was 10 years old. The little girl is so adorable she remind of this little girl I seen at church on Sunday. She had two puffs in her hair with bows and little cute dress on.
Thank you K.H. Glad you like! he he he he!
Tamara, I lost my mom about nine years ago and it's and lost my oldest daughter who would have been 12 Mother's Day. It's still fresh in my memory. God is good to me in that I can remember and have a teary moment and still live my best life.
This made me a little misty,Vanessa.
Hey Pat, I got all misty writing it too. Hugs to you man!
Yeah, I'm misty too, man! Seriously. It's really beautiful, Vanessa.
Beautiful words and sweet illustration. Kind regards
My mother died when I was nine and I wish I had these kind of memories Vanessa. And now I am crying for you. X0X0X0 Vanessa dear. You are incredibly strong!
Stunning work Vanessa, it's a lovely way to remembering someone you've lost! I guess the most of us can relate to that feeling of missing someone! Feeling the sadness of loss and the joy of a memory and having the chance to know someone!
Super creativity as usual V.
love this tribute to your mom...it is truly lovely (as all of your work is)
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