Monday, November 28, 2011

The Letter G in Nature

Another letter from my "Nature's Alphabet" book. How many things can you find that start with G?


Linda Kay said...

beautifully done, graceful, lovely!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work. I thing G for Garden from your natural alphabet.
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star pluss said...

Such an excellent drawing, Which you share above. I am so impressed by that. It is very beautiful.
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Linda Kay said...

Alexiev: I love your work--would you like to join us here at Watercolor Wednesdays? You'd be an asset to our site. Let me know & I'll send you an invite.

lavymaxwell said...

Wonderful nature alphabet book you have created here. I think G for Garden is perfect word.

Shamar Cely said...

I like to do painting. It is my hobby and i also like your painting, Which you share above. It looking so natural.
