Sunday, June 26, 2011

Benjamin discovered a friend in his backyard

Just a little watercolour for fun and to say hi ... I've been away and just got back.  Love the new challenges.


Sophie said...

Love this composition and simplicity! How clever!

Chris Harrington said...

Very nice. Love the movement and gesture of the characters. How did you do the line? is it just colored pencil?

Gay McKinnon said...

Whoops, sorry I didn't answer before. Yes, the lines are coloured pencil - I find today's coloured pencils are much softer almost like pastels and more intense in colour.

Linda Kay said...

This is so lovely--the movement, the elegance of the piece. You make it all look effortless.

Linda Kay said...

of course, we all know it's not effortless! Like Matisse said when answering a question of how long it took him to draw a particular line drawing--"It took 15 years." (I may not have the exact years correct, but you get the picture!)