Friday, August 8, 2008

"Billy Goat Gruff"


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

He is so cute and charming.

Linda Kay said...

Very cute--love the perplexed expression on his face & the curly horns.

Anonymous said...

beautiful billy goats gruff! - like Linda, I love the goat in the middle of the page, his wonderful expression and curly horns:-) - and that other little goat just peeping in from the side of the page - this is so lovely!

mitchowl said...

Very simple and cute and charming. This would be great for a young child. Too cute to cause nightmares! ha ha.

Mônica said...

Adorable! I love the composition, the troll peeking from the left side of the illo, and the second goat peeking from the right side. Great characters, indeed quite charming!

Lisa M Griffin said...

love the horns on the goat and his quizzical expression. Nice piece.

Heather said...

The expression on the goat is so wonderful.

angelic pursuits said...

I don't think I've ever seen the Billy Goats Gruff illustrated from this perspective/angle. How fun!