Monday, August 11, 2008


Big, the largest of the Gruff brothers, didn't know his own strength. He just wanted to play.

The more I worked on this acrylic painting the less I liked it. Finally I just told myself to stop and live with it. It was a good exercise. It didn't quite turn out the way I saw it in my head, but there you go. I can't wait for the next prompt.


Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Oh Linda, it's just a hoot!!! To early to LOL, but I did it anyway. Great illustration!! You made me smile so I'm off to a good start!
LOL again!

Heather said...

You have a bunch of great energy going on here and a very cute goat. You might try looking at the value and see if you can get more contrast (if you want to mess with it anymore.)

Mônica said...

You got some great texture on this painting! And it's such a funny composition, that tongue hanging out and only the troll's feet showing up in the corner...

Linda Kay said...

Great horns! The texture really is nice in this piece & I like the feet of the ogre over to the side.

angelic pursuits said...

What a fun use of textures! I also like the claw at the side.