I'd love to try and use this chance to explore and develop the character one-tooth dog. I can't draw dogs well at all, but there's just something about this character that I really like - and this morning, a small new fragment of his story tumbled out...
I love this month's challenge - thank you so much to everyone who came up with this idea! - and it's so lovely seeing what characters are appearing - from crickets to bears - all so different and all so brilliant!!
Hey Honey Bunny, I love this one tooth dog. I would read it to Kirby (my 13 year old cat) who has lost most of his teeth. He is very funny. I love the illustrations very simple and has great crop options. The picture with feet! Great idea. Back to the character. I really like the idea of a character having something like, one tooth as this pup has, or wears glasses, has really uncontrollable hair or something like that. You seems to have it all worked out in your head and I think you drew the pup in your style which is so endearing to me. I think children or anyone would know that it's a dog done in your style. I think sometimes we fight with our styles too much saying it has to look a certain way. I believe what we need to do is find a way or ways to illustrate it so that it works and keeps to the style and has that constant and flowing going one through it. I like the darn dog. Hooray for the One-tooth dog. Now I want to see him happy, pondering, joyful, sneaky and whatever else you come up with Girly.
Have a great day!
I think one-tooth dog is a fantastic character! I would love to read a children's book with him as the main character. My kids think he's awesome! And I agree with V, let's give a cheer for one-tooth dog! "Hip, Hip, Horray!!"
Have a great weekend! - MH
oh, the one tooth dog! yippeee!!! :) okay, it's a month for character sheets but there are some artists who don't need it. so lucky you! you've already found your style. and this fine-line-art with beautiful, warm colours is ready for publishing! yippeeee!! :))
He really is a fun little dog. It'll be fun to see what you do with him!
I'm so happy your going to develop one tooth dog further--he's a charmer! I've followed him along in so many of your poems & he's always delightful! Love the idea of shoelaces being his only friendly contact!
The One-tooth dog is soooo endearing and sweet. There's a certain innocence to him, and I'm sure he would be a great character to develop. You're already so good with words as well, I'm sure he'll be back in full force!
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