Hopefully, none of you will be on the receiving end of Great Aunt Bertha's cheek pinches and kisses this Gobble day! Shudder. Shudder. I was experimenting with my watercolors, so it's a little different than my normal stuff. I'm a firm believer in experimenting.
I've also attached some other Gobble Day related illos I've done within the past few weeks.
Oh, and a word of advice for the upcoming holiday....pull out the maternity pants (with those stretchy tummy panels), kick back with fam and friends, and EAT to your heart's content!!! Me, I've got my eye on the Butternut Squash pie.... Mmmm!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving guys!
Michelle: So funny--I'm loving it & hoping I haven't turned into that "kiss-kiss" lady! Have a great turkey day!
he he he he he he he he he! I got a great laugh. I love dear auntie. Doesn't everyone have one. I love all the scenes they are just fabulous. I would love to be at this family gathering! I hope that yours will be fun filled and Happy! Happy Turkey day!
Doesn't everyone have an aunt like that? ha ha
Good job. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
Great illos, the one of the little pilgrim girl chasing the turkey full of love is my favorite. She just wants a hug! :-)
The one of the Turkey family gathering is also great. I love all the details (that cute bib!) and the varying poses and expressions.
My favorite is the last one, where all the turkeys have gathered to eat bugs! That's great! I also like the feeling in your first one. How fun.
wow! these are great drawings - and so helpful works for me (because of showing more meanings of gobble).
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