Hello everyone ! i'm presently working on an illustration for chronicles of Narnia for my personal collection , this is the second time i redo it , first time when i finalized it , looked at it for a couple of days and decided i could improve it more by studying my subject first within my illustration. So here is the line work i finished yesterday , took me awhile to finish with detail and all but its a working progress , in the following days i will be moving on to the final stage of inking and watercolour, can't wait to start !!!:) If you got any feedback, feel free to post it :) , i'd love feedback from a different artistic eye.
The layout is wonderful. A whole lot of wonderful detail in there. I can't wait to see it all finished. Great work you are doing.
I'm impressed by the complexity. Nice composition and rendering. Be suree to show us the finished work!
looks like this is going to be great
Lovely - cant wait to see the finished version x
Is it Jill and Eustace at the start of The Silver Chair? This is great and it's nice to see a new look for these books. The perspective is excellent - you can see the children well and also the scene. Lots of action swirling round and it's really interesting. The only thing I would maybe do is give the ship a bit more of an angle to the left and a bit more space at the top, as it looks a bit crammed in.
Just lovely! I'm always fascinated to see other people's visions of favourite stories and books.
Waw, what a challenge!! It takes a lot more time to study you're subjects but the result of the finished painting would be more rewarding! Lots of success, I'm curious to see the finished work!
thanks for the comments everyone! well i had finalized my comp in watercolour but did not like it something was not working to the eye ! so i decided to go back to my line work and work it out more (add more people,more festive and change the boat also) thanks for the feedback gay mchinnon for the boat , i think that is one of the elements i couldn't put my finger on!! thanks again everyone :). I'll soon post my new final work with the new line work too, till the next :)
This is such a wonderful drawing with great detail & so many interesting things for the viewer!
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