Sunday, December 11, 2011


Two takes on a snowy scene, both with a touch of digital collage.


esrarengiz şeyler said...


Anonymous said...

Awesome work with creating these amazing scenes. Such nice paints of snowy season.
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Linda Kay said...

both are lovely, very nicely done

vob editor said...

These all colors are looking really very beautiful here all the colors are looking very wonderful these all things are great to know about it.

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jerich bowlin said...

Lovable pics those could be for everyones. I loves snow and watched their pics. These are beautiful creations from you.
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lavymaxwell said...

Yeah, Its a beautiful. Such nice snowy creation. I love snow and I always love to enjoy the season.

Shane Gare said...

Nice project and these all art looking excellent i really very impressed by that and now i want a new more arts with snow.

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