Monday, August 31, 2009

Last Post before school

Sunday, August 30, 2009
So many questions...

I am so excited about these first projects that Vanessa has chose for us and I have so many questions about illustration. If you visit my blog you'll notice that I have never created a scene so I hope that a few of you wouldn't mind answering the following questions.
(1) What size should my illustration be; and
(2) How can I scan my illustrations so that the true colors show?
Thanks in advance.
First Day of School
Saturday, August 29, 2009
In response to Illustration Friday
Thursday, August 27, 2009
ABC Children's Picture Book Competition
Click to read the story and the author and illustrator bios... then vote in September!
Voting begins September 20 and runs through October 4...be sure to vote daily! As you can see there are lots of good friends in the competition this year!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
sruble: Kitties at the Beach
This week I used a technique that I’ve never tried before, glazing. For those who don’t know, glazing is where you build up thin layers of color instead of just laying down one color from the beginning (which is what I usually do). It was fun, but frustrating to wait for layers to dry, and of course I cheated a few times and painted before a layer was completely dry (I couldn’t help myself).
Here it is; the original is a bit brighter. What do you think?

Remus and Romulus at the beach
Next time I try glazing, I’m going to try mixing more colors through layering.
Line art -- art nouveau

Here is my "Q" page of the ABCs of Lesser Known Goddesses coloring pages.
The musician I did the CD cover for has asked me not to share the image until the CD release which looks like it will be early next year.
The next art related projects I am working on will be more line work in art nouveau, so still no color to share. LOL.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Shameless Self-Promotion

The ABC Children's Book Competition for 2009 will be here soon. It's a great place to read the stories of up and coming author/illustrator teams.
Work that paint!
Self-critique: I've really got to kick it up a couple of notches when it comes to painting my line drawings. So, yesterday I went down to my local used-book store and bought a great book on using watercolors. Practice, practice, practice I must if I plan on becoming an excellent watercolorist as you all are.
Until next time...
Friday, August 21, 2009
sruble Dancing Chicken
For this image, I painted a chicken dancing, using waterlogged acrylic. The effect is very similar to what my watercolor looks like.

Next week I'm going to try a new watercolor technique (new to me, old technique). If It works, I'll post it.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
About Blogs and CD covers
It's been a super busy summer. I have been slowly but steadily catching up on several years worth of projects from my to-do list that the enforced down time of this year have given me the luxury of doing. While they are not specifically watercolor, I thought I'd share the pretty pictures anyway.

I finished a quilt I started back at the beginning of the decade. Eep!

I finished the CD cover but have to ask permission before I can show you guys. The album was supposed to go to press in mid September, but there have been some delays, so who knows when it will happen.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Girl and Dog
Monday, August 17, 2009
So Funny
"I told my 3-year-old daughter, Evelyn, that on the day she was born the doctor said, 'It's a beautiful girl!' She asked me how the doctor knew she was a girl, and I told her it's because she was born naked. She exclaimed, 'Oh, so boys are born with clothes!'" (Parents Magazine, August 2009)
Have a Happy Monday!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
try, try again

Hello Everyone,
Thanks for letting me back into the fold ladies. I have recently become serious about perfectig my style so make that final and fabled leap as a published illustrtor. (hopefully) I'm tryig to push my stuff to be great and unique and worthy to editores, etc. This piece is my latest attempt and it didn't quite make it. But, at least I finished a piece. Now to find more time and energy in the day to do another piece. *sigh*
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Back to School
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
From sketch to painting

For this one, I started doodling a pig in an old-fashioned bathtub. I did a quick pencil sketch: I tend to sketch really small, so when I'm happy with the drawing I have to enlarge it either on a photocopier or using my scanner. Once I get it to the right size, I transfer it to watercolor paper using a small lightbox.
I can still make a few changes while transferring the sketch: in this case I changed the paper boat to a little rubber duck. On the sketch paper, I'll sometimes play with color, just to get some ideas.

Strengthening my wings
When I was about 8 years old I passionately vowed to become a children's book illustrator and writer. Then I grew up and left that dream behind. But now I'm back on track.
It feels great to be fulfilling my life's purpose and I've learned much since I began this past April. For example, I initially began using words to write my first manuscript and soon found that drawing is the best way for me to "write". Therefore I'm just filling up my sketch-book with scenes and will add the words later. Whatever works, right?
The biggest obstacle to my life's purpose is using color yet I'm coming along at a slow but steady pace. And don't be afraid to get in my face like an army drill sergeant when it comes to critiquing my skills. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Sometimes birds need a big fat push out the nest whether they can fly or not. Wings can only be strengthened if they're used.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Marathon Bunny

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Summer Vacation

In addition to everything else going on, I have a new computer & now I don't have Photoshop (too $ for now), so I'm trying to figure out how I can use the camera program that I have already...this is a very old image that I happened upon. Usually, my husband cans/puts up pickles during the summer & everyone loves them. This image is about canning, a southern thing, a summer thing.